Cochlear Implant - Bilateral

The cochlear implant device is very useful for the people who have hearing problems. The surgical procedure starts with a careful evaluation by ENT surgeon, anesthetist, audiologist and physician. A little incision in made at the back of the ear and then the surgeon implant the receiver. The receiver is then connected to electrodes that are surgically inserted inside the cochlea.

Package Includes

1 Pre-operative Routine Anaesthesia Checkup
2 Surgery Fees
3 Operation Room Charges
4 Intensive Care Unit (one Day Stay If Required)
5 Normal Private Room Charges
6 Doctor Fees During The Stay
7 Routine Medications During The Stay
8 Routine Laboratory Investigations Post Surgery
9 Implant Cost
10 Scans And Imaging Post Surgery
11 Physiotherapy During The Stay
12 Routine Medical Consumables