Knee replacement surgery (arthroplasty) is a procedure to replace a damaged, worn or diseased knee with an artificial joint. During this surgery, the arthritic cartilage is replaced with an artificial joint. It has a success rate of 98%. A knee replacement surgery is advised if any damage in the knee joint affects mobility and causes pain even while resting. This surgery relieves the pain and allows the patient to move freely.
Package Includes |
1 | Pre-operative Routine Anaesthesia Checkup |
2 | Surgery Fees |
3 | Operation Room Charges |
4 | Intensive Care Unit (one Day Stay If Required) |
5 | Normal Private Room Charges |
6 | Doctor Fees During The Stay |
7 | Routine Medications During The Stay |
8 | Routine Laboratory Investigations Post Surgery |
9 | Scans And Imaging Post Surgery |
10 | Physiotherapy During The Stay |
11 | Routine Medical Consumables |
12 | Airport Pick-up On Arrival In India |
13 | Airport Drop On Departure From India |
14 | Medical Visa Invitation |
15 | Assistance In Medical Visa Application Process, Visa Extensions, FRRO |
16 | Assistance In Finding Accommodation |