
Laryngectomy is a surgery that removes the larynx and separates the airway from the mouth, nose and oesophagus. A laryngectomy can be ‘total’ (the entire larynx is removed) or ‘partial’ (only a portion of the larynx is removed) After a laryngectomy, the patient breathes through an opening in the neck, called ‘stoma.’ This is usually done in cases of laryngeal cancer.

Package Includes

1 Airport Pick-up On Arrival In India
2 Airport Drop On Departure From India
3 Medical Visa Invitation
4 Assistance In Medical Visa Application Process, Visa Extensions, FRRO
5 Assistance In Finding Accommodation
6 Pre-operative Routine Anaesthesia Checkup
7 Surgery Fees
8 Operation Room Charges
9 Intensive Care Unit (one Day Stay If Required)
10 Normal Private Room Charges
11 Doctor Fees During The Stay
12 Routine Medications During The Stay
13 Routine Laboratory Investigations Post Surgery
14 Scans And Imaging Post Surgery
15 Physiotherapy During The Stay
16 Routine Medical Consumables