The term neurology came from the Greek word meaning string/nerve. This field of medicine diagnoses and treats diseases related to the central and peripheral nervous system, including their tissues, muscles, blood vessels and covering. Diseases related to brain and the spinal cord comes under this field. In the present world, the cost of each and every treatment keeps increasing. Neurological treatments are not an exception to this. But MEDWALK provides you with top quality medical care for a modest price. MEDWALK's Neurology package includes many expensive treatments like Spinal Fusion, Disc Replacement, Kyphoplasty, Disectomy, Laminectomy, Menisectomy, Micro Disectomy, Scoliosis Surgery, Spinal Decompression, Deep Brain Stimulation, VP/CSF shunt, Trans-Sphenoid Operation,Craniotomy and Micro Surgery. Our treatment package also presents you with the golden opportunity to experience the attractions of Kerala firsthand